Sunday 6 July 2014

Craft, Carboots and Gardens


My first blog post from Tales of The Burrow - very exciting but a bit scary as I'm not so good at these things!

Let me introduce myself - my name is Holly and I live in Devon. I am a 27 year old Mummy to a cheeky toddler boy and a wife to a lovely hubby. I LOVE lots of different crafts including crochet, knitting, scrapbooking, cardmaking, cross stitching, sewing and also baking. We are currently renovating our Victorian house and garden which I also hope to share glimpses with you along the way.

Life is a bit hetic here with my son who has the nickname of Little Bear (and also have a little girl on the way in approximately ummmmm...5 and a bit weeks!!! She has already picked up the nickname of our Little Fairy) but I wanted somewhere to talk to and share photos with like minded people about the things we get up to as a family and of course all the crafty bits and pieces too!

Sooo here is what I have been up to this weekend..

Fairy cross stitch for our Little Fairy
I made finished this in a day (very unusual for me!)- nice and simple but rather sweet. It also has our daughter's name cross stitched next to the fairy and will hang in her room eventually.

Wooden photo frame
I took our son to a carboot this morning whilst Hubby was working on the garden and found this lovely old wooden frame for 10p! I couldn't help but think it would be perfect for Little Fairy's cross stitch I had made. It would need a bit of TLC first as the colours aren't right - but an exciting mini project to do!
Little Fairy shoes
I also came away with these...Hubby pointed out that our little girl is still very much inside me right now but I couldn't resist and she will grow into them one day! They are handmade and made from real leather and just have a lovely vintage look to them don't you think? They need a bit of a wipe over but for only £1 I think they are worth it! Little Bear didn't come away empty handed - he found a lovely puzzle and a toy piggy bank. When you are nearly 2 you of course have to have things NOW so he was happily sat in the back of the car on the way home trying to work out how to use his new piggy bank - rather sweet!

A little bit of colour
As I said above we are renovating our house (inside, outside, top to name it) so the front of our house is in a terrible state - can you see the peeling paint? Eugh.. one day when we have the money we can move onto the front but our priority is making a safe and happy home for our children (peeling paint doesn't count right now). So yes, this is my bit of happiness in the front of the house planted up by my Mum with the help of a very enthusiastic toddler (I nearly lost my eye when he was transferring the earth over..)

Lots of tomatoes!
At the back we have a large space of land which currently resembles a quarry/mud pit (working progress...nearly WILL be worth it!) Hubby likes to grow different veg but we have very limited space for now so he has to make do with a temporary greenhouse and some tomato bags!

Brought back to life
This is my one and only (for the moment) hanging basket that was reduced in Tesco and looked like it was on it's last legs (or leaves?!) but after much TLC I think we may have rescued it! It just adds a bit more colour to our mudpit, I mean our garden..

Apple tree
I had to capture this, the clouds looked so pretty today but also look!! We have apples!! We actually had three apple trees out the back - I say had because we decided to get rid of two of them to make way for our grand garden plans. We kept the biggest one and gave it a really good hacking back last year but it has come back lovely and healthy!

So that was my weekend! How was yours? I would love to read about your crafty creations or weekend day trips with your Little People and family so please do comment below so I can start following your blogs.

Holly x


  1. Hi Holly, welcome to blogland. You did a great job with your first post and I love your pretty cross stitch and car boot finds.
    Isn't this time of year wonderful for gardening.
    Jacquie x

  2. Thank you Jacquie for your comment. We find ourselves running in and out with the garden inbetween the showers at the moment but at least the flowers are having a good water!
    Holly x

  3. Hi Holly, well done on your first post. We have renovated all our homes (3 so far) so I know just what you're going through! I'm also a keen gardener and often post photos of plants and wildlife on my blog. Btw, your baby bootees are looking gorgeous in my favourite colour! Susie x

  4. 3 homes?! Goodness me...I don't think I could do this again but at the same time I wouldn't change a thing! The purple is lovely isn't it? I don't think I have come across this shade in yarn before. x
